Hey, I'm TheOddGamerYT as you see
I am 16, German and know Oddworld pretty much since I was a baby
Means that I have really big knowledge about all Oddworld Games. From Tricks, Cheats, Glitches to alround knowledge from Story, Hidden and not implemented stuff blabla
Sadly I haven't got my hands on New'n'Tasty yet as I'm still on my PS3 *cri*
I also do YouTube about some Minecraft stuff with over 1.500 Subscribers.
Here it is:
www.youtube.com/channel/UC0iEo7ORl-O4enbLV72XHDwFirst I wanted to do YouTube with Oddworld but well, it's not that popular xD
And last but not least I'm the proud holder of the Stranger's Wrath Speedrun Worldrecord!!
Watch him here:
It actually is official over SDA but they didn't refresh the site yet -_-
But you can still see a proof here:
forum.speeddemosarchive.com/post/oddworld_strangers_wrath_hd__august_7_2014_7.html Well, that's quite all from me and hope this Forum will grow bigger with the time
*PS: I hope it's not going to get such messed up people like most in OWF