Post by Nitroeus on Oct 18, 2014 15:26:20 GMT
In Paul's Level Editors, when you select an object (if you loaded an Exoddus .lvl file) in most cases you see strings like "Byte 1" "Byte2" "Byte 3" with values.
You can modify the properties of those objects by changing the byte values, but how you know what each byte do ?
Well , I experimented with some of those values and the results are :
The value in the parenthesis after the object name is the object_type_id (Do not confuse type id with ID value)
I hope this list helps someone with his/her oddworld level editing.
You can modify the properties of those objects by changing the byte values, but how you know what each byte do ?
Well , I experimented with some of those values and the results are :
The value in the parenthesis after the object name is the object_type_id (Do not confuse type id with ID value)
AE_BYTELIST.txt (also added as attachment)
Website :
Oddworld Forum :
List Creator : Nitroeus (Haos Kitsune)
Current Version : 0.6
=Vending Machine (101)=
Byte1 = Number of Drinks
=Fleech (83)=
Byte1 = Size (0 = Normal , 1 = 1/2 Size)
Byte3 = Unknown )1(
Byte5 = Unknown )1(
Byte7 = Unknown )2(
Byte11 = Unknown )4(
Byte13 = Unknown )10(
Byte15 = ID
Byte17 = Sleeping On Ground (0 = Yes , 1 = No)
Byte19 = Unknown )10( - Global Varible
Byte20 = Unknown Optinal )1(
Byte23 = Unknown )3(
Byte27 = Deaf (Only wake when triggered) (0 = Yes , 1 = No)
Byte29 = Unknown )1(
=Slurgs (84)=
Byte1 = Stop Interval
Byte3 = Starting Direction
=Greeter (106)=
Byte3 = Unknown )12(
Byte5 = Unknown )1(
=UXB (25)=
Byte1 = Unknown )4(
Byte3 = Unknown )64(
Byte4 = Unknown )8(
=Mud / Mudokon (49)=
Byte3 = Work Type
0 = Mining
1 = Washing the floor
2 = Angry Switch Puller/Wheeler
3 = Ring Giver (Red)
4 = Ring Giver (Yellow)
5 = Glitched Ring Giver (This ring type removed before released and it cannot be seen ingame but its replaced)
6 = Same with 5
Byte5 = Unknown )1(
Byte8 = Time before work again when abe say hello (only Angry SP/Wheelers)
Byte9 = Unknown )23(
Byte 9 = When saved it triggers objects with the defined IDs
Byte15 = Unload when abe leaves the current screen
0 = Unload
1 = Keep
Byte17 = Mudokon Status
0 = Normal
1 = Angry
2 = Depressed
3 = Laughing Gased
4 = Sick
5 = Normal
Byte19 = Blinded (1 = Yes , 0 = No)
Byte21 = Target ID
Byte23 = Unknown )1(
Byte25 = Unknown )1(
=Pulling ring rope (12)=
Byte1 = Triggers the defined objects with the gived ID.
=Grinder (90)=
Byte7 = ID
Byte9 = Type
0 = On at start (Unable to switch On/Off)
1 = Off (when turned on it cannot be stopped)
2 = Trigger it then automaticaly stop
Byte11 = Speed
Byte13 = Change Type Function
2+1 = At Enter triggered but then doesn't work
1+1 = During triggered it's working then it's stoped
Byte23 = Vertenical or Horozintal
0 = Vertenical
1 = Horozintal
2 = Horozintal Reversed
=Switch (17)=
Byte11 = Target ID
=Slam Door (85)=
Byte 5 = ID
Byte 9 = Status on Creation (0 = Open , 1 = Close)
=Slap Lock / Spirit Trap (98)=
Byte 7 = Unknown )1(
Byte 11 = Power Up Type
0 = None
1 = Invisibly
Byte 13 = Unknown )88(
Byte 14 = Unknown )2(
Byte 15 = Target ID
=Laughing Gas (81)=
Byte1 = Unknown )1(
Byte3 = Possibly ID )125(
Byte5 = Unknown )100(
Byte7 = Unknown )100(
Byte9 = Unknown )20(
=TrapDoor / Trap Door (30)=
Byte1 = ID
Byte3 = Unknown )1(
Byte5 = Unknown )1(
Byte9 = Unknown )1(
Byte11 = Auto Close ? (0=Yes , 1=No)
Byte15 = Unknown )20(
=Hand Stone (61)
Byte21 = ??c (image)
=Paramite (26)=
Byte3 = On Web ? (0 = No , 1 = Yes)
Byte5 = ???
Byte9 = 60/90
Byte11 = 150
Byte15 = ID
Byte17 = 1
Byte21 = Unload on another Screen (0 = NO , 1 = YEs)
=Invisible Switch (48)=
Byte1 = Target ID
Byte9 = 2 (possibly action)
=Wheel (79)=
Byte3 = Target ID
Byte5 = Duration : 0 = Permament , 1 = disable effect when not turning
Byte9 = Duration : 0 = Permament , 1 = disable effect when not turning
on Shower
Byte 3 = Target ID
Byte 5 = 20
Byte 9 = 0
=Red green status light (97)=
Byte1 = ID
Byte15 = Unknown (1)
=Unknown 57 / Trigger Multiple Signal (57)=
Byte 1 = ID
Byte 3 = Delay
Byte 5 = Target ID
=Door Blocker (109)=
Byte 3 = ID
=Foot Switch / Unknown 34 (34)=
Byte 1 = Target ID
Byte 3 = Unknown (1)
=Scrab Spawner / Unknown 102 (102)=
Byte7 = Unknown )20(
Byte9 = Unknown )40(
Byte11 = Unknown )80(
Byte13 = Unknown )100(
Byte15 = Unknown )210(
Byte19 = Unknown )1(
Byte21 = Unknown )1(
Byte23 = Unknown )30(
Byte25 = Unknown )90(
Byte29 = ID
=Water / Shower (77)=
Byte1 = 44
Byte2 = 1
Byte3 = ID
Byte5 = 7
Byte11 = 9
=Wheel Syncer (65)=
Byte 1 = Wheel No.1
Byte 3 = Wheel No.2
Byte 5 = Target ID
Byte 9 = Wheel No.3
Byte 11 = Wheel No.4
Byte 13 = Wheel No.5
Byte 15 = Wheel No.6
//unuseed wheels possibly need the value = 1
=Motion detector/Motion Sensor (36)=
Byte 3 = Unknown)13(
Byte 4 = Unknown)4(
Byte 5 = Unknown)50(
Byte 6 = Unknown)2(
Byte 8 = Unknown)4( - Possibly speed
Byte 9 = Unknown)1(
Byte 11 = Unknown)1(
Byte 15 = Unknown)5(
Byte 17 = Unknown)150(
=Colorful meter (91)=
Byte 1 = ID
Byte 3 = Pieces
Byte 5 = Time Before Action (seconds)
=Explonsion Set (95)=
Byte 5 = Unknown )1(
Byte 7 = Unknown )20(
Byte 11 = Unknown )10(
Byte 15 = Unknown )2(
=Glukkon Panic (100)=
Byte 1 = ID
Byte 3 = Unknown )40(
Byte 4 = Unknown )35(
=Glukkon (73)=
Byte21 = Trigger ID (on death)
=Death Clock=
Byte 1 = ID
Byte 3 = Time remaining (Unknown Math. - 50 = 1 second , 150 = 5 second , 254 = 8 second)
Byte 4 = Time remaining + (Probaly Manipulate time remaining)
==Change Log==
Fixed a lot of grammar mistakes (I think My Grammar Nazi personality just comitted suicide because of the ridlicous grammar errors...)
Added Death Clock, Colorful Meter Value list.
Added Changelog
I hope this list helps someone with his/her oddworld level editing.